In the Elevater is a look into the cycling culture and events of Elevate Cycles, Team Elevate Cycles and general cycling in the Greater Capital Region.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Stretching....Is REALLY important.
So when I began this journey into Ironman territory, I was itching to get started right away (this was back in August), but my coach had other ideas.
The first thing he said to me was "You need to stretch, spend at least the first 3 weeks just stretching, getting your muscles ready for what was coming up". Um, what? Boring!
I was so ready to just get going, I wanted to start training, not stretch, that's hardly training. Ah, but what I have learned thus far is, it is training, and a very important part of your training.
I found this out the hard way, simply because sometimes (ok always) I think I know everything about my body. But it turns out, I don't.
After stretching for the first 3 weeks, I was ready to start getting my base miles in with running, I was doing really well, running, swimming, biking (on the power trainer) and stretching (everyday) and using my Trigger Point system for all my muscles.
By early November I was feeling great- aches and pains were subsiding, muscles feeling I slacked off and stopped stretching everyday. Bad move Sue.
I quickly noticed my muscles rebelling against their constant usage without releif; stiffness began and soon after the aches. I felt bummed out, that I let myself "slack" from the daily routine.
I find myself stretching at work, in the shower, pretty much any place I can grab a few minutes to ease my muscles; it sure does make a difference in my workouts. My muscles don't fatigue as easily and I feel more limber. So remember to stretch, even for just a few minutes each day, your muscles will thank you for it!
Friday, October 31, 2014
Break from Reality
Took a break last Sunday and went on a short hike with the family. Just a few miles from home is the Wood Hollow Preserve in Ballston Spa. Have only rode the trails on the cross bike before so this was the first time on foot. There are times that you do not realize what is around you until you slow down and take it in. Just a few things we captured when we slowed down.
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Horizontal Shrooms. |
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Last Flower. |
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Fairy Steps! |
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Power training 2014-2015
6 week Session
16, 23, 30 & Nov 6, 13, 20
packages include an initial training zone test. Space and power
trainers are limited. Register early to guarantee a spot.
only (6 sessions): $150.00
4- January 24
packages include an initial training zone test. Space and power
trainers are limited. Register early to guarantee a spot.
only 6:30pm (8 sessions): $250
only 7:30am (8 sessions): $250
days a week : $400 ($100.00
savings per session)
27, 2015 - March 21, 2015
packages include an initial training zone test. Space and power
trainers are limited. Register early to guarantee a spot.
only 6:30pm (8 sessions): $225
only 6:30pm (8 sessions): $250
only 7:30am (8 sessions): $250
days a week : $400 ($100.00
savings per session)
days a week: $600 ($150.00
savings per session)
FOR 2014-2015
Lake Placid Training Class
6 - March 21
designed to prepare for spring training and IMLP 2015.
class will be held Saturdays from 9:30 am-11:30am
weeks $350.00
flex pass allows you to train at your convenience. Purchase a flex
pass which gives you the freedom to train when your schedule allows.
Times must be during Elevate business hours and reservation is needed
in order to set up your training plan.
classes $200.00
pass is good from October 16th 2014 to March 21, 2015.
Threshold Power Testing:
Sundays a
month Elevate Cycles will be holding free FTP testing. Gauge how your
training is going at home by coming in and see where you stand.
Power board will be posted and biggest gains wins prizes from
Elevate. Time to be determined.
Bicycle Fitting:
your power with a complete SICI cycle
fitting at a reduced price with the purchase of any Elevate
Your Ride
training package (a $300
Cycles is here to serve the cyclists of the area and to raise the
knowledge and performance of bike and rider.
Your Riding!
Elevate Cycles 1581
Route 9 Clifton Park, NY 12065 518-371-4641
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Find the Swine
Elevate Cycles would like to introduce our new contest
Find the Swine.
The Elevate Swine will be located in random places and it is your job to find it to win prizes.
How it works:
Elevate Cycles will place the Swine in different locations and give you clues to the swines whereabouts via our Facebook page. Stop in the store to sign up and receive your alphabet tag. We will document your contact information and assign a tag to you.
Then you must ride to "Find the Swine". Once you find him, place your tag inside and take a selfie with the Swine and your bike. Post your selfie to our Facebook page.
Once that contests time is up, we will collect the Swine and draw a letter. If the letter drawn is yours, you win the prize for that week.
The first drawing is for an Elevate water bottle, 4 pack of tubes and an Elevate T-shirt.
Stop in to pick up your alphabet tag and let the games begin.
A few pictures of the Swine so you know what to look for.
"May the odds be ever in your favor"
Good luck. Have fun. Ride on!
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Time for Power
This year's riding season is coming to a close. Hopefully 2014 was a great year for all of your individual cycling goals.
Whether it was your first century ride, triathlon, raising money with our good friends at the Tour De Cure, Team in Training or just being able to spend more time in the saddle and enjoying the ride.
We know that many of you are starting to plan ahead for next year, and we at Elevate know that the best time to begin preparing to reach your new goal is RIGHT NOW. Over the fall and winter seasons is the perfect time to start building the foundation for a stronger cycling season come spring. Elevate Cycles would like to help you become stronger, faster and more powerful than ever on your bicycle.
How can we do that?
With our CycleOps resistance power training studio.
How can we do that?
With our CycleOps resistance power training studio.
Here is a quick glimpse at one of our athlete's off season progress from last year training exclusively in the Elevate Cycles Power Cafe during 2013/2014:
The training started in November but the first training for this particular client began on December 14th 2013. A bit late to the game but still showed very big results with three days a week of training on our CycleOps Power Beam trainers. Elevate is the only Power training facility for cyclists in the area that uses these electronic Resistance trainers.
Average Power, Watts
Maximum Power, Watts | 342 |
Normalized Power | 183 |
Average Watts/kg | 2.3 |
Maximum Watts/kg | 4.9 |
The next set of graphics are from the end of the training season. Take notice of the flip flop of the heart rate and power distribution graphs. Look at the power detail averages and max from April 14th 2014.
Average Power, Watts | 268 |
Maximum Power, Watts | 731 |
Normalized Power | 302 |
Average Watts/kg | 3.0 |
Maximum Watts/kg | 8.2 |
First ride outside and was able to hang with one of the fastest group rides around the region. Ride was short but difficult, and would not have been able to put forth this kind of effort without the training over the winter. Not all the info is there, but as you can see the training worked and paid off.
Average Power, Watts | 280 |
Maximum Power, Watts | 820 |
Normalized Power | 312 |
Average Watts/kg | -- |
Maximum Watts/kg | -- |
Elevate Cycles is offering two free classes for those who have not used resistance power training.
Over the next couple of weeks (Tuesdays, September 30th and October 7th). If you have never trained with Elevate Cycles during the off season, or have never used resistance power training, this is the time to experience it.
Please RSVP ( or call 371-4641) and reserve your spot. Only ten spaces available per class.
Elevate Cycles Power Training classes are only the first part of our all new off-season training offerings. Come check out our training studio for one of our free classes. Stay tuned to hear about all the other great opportunities we'll have coming your way soon. We value your input, so let us know what you'd like us to incorporate into our off-season programs to best help you prepare for your 2015 season.
The best time to start preparing for next year's goals is Now.
Are you ready for the next level?
Elevate your training. Elevate your performance.
bike shop,
cross bikes,
road bikes
Halfmoon, NY, USA
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
It's all downhill from here.....
Since signing up for the Ironman Lake Placid, I've had this reoccurring dream/vision of the decent into Keane. You see I'm terrified of going fast.
After volunteering at this years Ironman; having heard so many peoples inspiring stories, I felt the inner desire to join this amazing group of people. Each person was more inspiring; giving me the confidence to take this journey. But what I didn't think about was my fear of speed. That is, until we were leaving Lake Placid for the day and descending that "Hill"
In my car I was grabbing for the "oh shit handle" and squirming in my seat; how the heck am I gonna do this on my bike, because I know for sure there is no "oh shit handle"!
Chris and I talk about this hill almost everyday. The conversation always goes like this.
Me: I don't know how I'm going to get down that hill
Chris: You have good bike handling skills and good brakes.
Me: I'm gonna need REALLY GOOD brakes
Chris: You might reach speeds of 40-50 MPH, you will be fine
Me: No, I'd be more comfortable with 30-35 MPH
Chris: That won't happen.
The first time I crest the hill, I should look like a true competitor....
But until then, I imagine myself looking like this.....
I've been biking for 20 years, it should realistically be the least hardest part of the entire day, so why do I keep freaking out about it.
I'm sure every first time IM'er has their fear factor....What's yours?
Monday, August 4, 2014
Ironman-I am my own Super Hero
One week ago I did something that I never would have dreamed of doing in my lifetime. I registered for my very first Ironman. Wait, What? What did I just do......
Those were the thoughts going through my head just a few minutes after clicking the SUBMIT button.
I can, and I will! Because this event isn't about winning (well not for me anyway) it's about a journey- a journey molded by tragic events, life embracing moments and one very inspirational conversation. My daughter said to me just minutes after making the decision, "Mommy you can do this, I know you can".
So with the help of Chris, I will train my ass off for the next year for the event of a lifetime, which will commence on July 26, 2015.
Yep, I am my own Super is every Ironman participant- past, present and future.
Those were the thoughts going through my head just a few minutes after clicking the SUBMIT button.
I'm excited, no I think I'm gonna be sick, no this is awesome, I can do this...I think I can???So with the help of Chris, I will train my ass off for the next year for the event of a lifetime, which will commence on July 26, 2015.
Yep, I am my own Super is every Ironman participant- past, present and future.
Friday, January 17, 2014
Fit Clinic recap.
Fit Clinic with Ironman Coach Kristen Hislop
a big success!
We had planning a Fit Clinic for some time now. Local Ironman Coach Kristen Hislop was our fit subject as we evaluated her comfort and power on the bike and watched improvements as we adjusted her fit.
Kristen has been fit/looked at by three other fitters in and around the area over the years and still is having some problems. Injury and your overall fitness play a huge roll in ones current bike fit. Kristen has had her fair share of injuries for sure, but some of the issues we discussed didn't really stem from injuries.
Points of Contact
The three critical points of contact in a bike fit are the foot/shoe/pedal interface, saddle and hands. These are the points at which every rider contacts their bike. They are also the most common points of pain and complaint among any cyclist out there. Kristen made it known that her saddle was uncomfortable (and it was the third one she had been on), the feeling of reaching too far for her handlebars and the presence of some shoulder discomfort.
What I had noticed during the flexibility assessment was Kristen's hips being uneven and some leg length discrepancy. A stress fracture in her left leg put her in a boot for 14 weeks last year and caused a bit of muscle atrophy. On the bike, as she was positioned, Kristen was producing 40% of her total power with the left leg and a whopping 60% of her total power with the right leg. She also displayed some shrugging of her shoulders, knee movement and rocking of the hips while pedaling.
Amazing Motion Capture
We shot some video quickly and analysed it to demonstrate what the software can do. The technology coupled with a good eye for fit can do some pretty amazing things for the cyclist. Using our SICI Fit Cycle, I made two adjustments to Kristen;s fit right off the bat. First was the crank arm length to quiet the knees and hips down while pedaling. Second was the saddle itself. Kristen had expressed some nose pressure and discomfort. I chose to put a new saddle on for her to see what we came up with.
The results were pretty astonishing. No more rocking, shoulders and neck were no longer tense, back flattened out and pelvis rotated forward. A couple more things can be done to help Kristen out, but with these vital adjustments we balanced the power distribution in her legs: After the fit - Left leg 49% of total power production and Right leg 51% of total power production.
Simply amazing! I guess we will have to continue this fit with more adjustments!
Take a look at this annual fit membership we discussed at the fit clinic presentation.
a big success!
Kristen has been fit/looked at by three other fitters in and around the area over the years and still is having some problems. Injury and your overall fitness play a huge roll in ones current bike fit. Kristen has had her fair share of injuries for sure, but some of the issues we discussed didn't really stem from injuries.
Points of Contact
The three critical points of contact in a bike fit are the foot/shoe/pedal interface, saddle and hands. These are the points at which every rider contacts their bike. They are also the most common points of pain and complaint among any cyclist out there. Kristen made it known that her saddle was uncomfortable (and it was the third one she had been on), the feeling of reaching too far for her handlebars and the presence of some shoulder discomfort.
What I had noticed during the flexibility assessment was Kristen's hips being uneven and some leg length discrepancy. A stress fracture in her left leg put her in a boot for 14 weeks last year and caused a bit of muscle atrophy. On the bike, as she was positioned, Kristen was producing 40% of her total power with the left leg and a whopping 60% of her total power with the right leg. She also displayed some shrugging of her shoulders, knee movement and rocking of the hips while pedaling.
Amazing Motion Capture
We shot some video quickly and analysed it to demonstrate what the software can do. The technology coupled with a good eye for fit can do some pretty amazing things for the cyclist. Using our SICI Fit Cycle, I made two adjustments to Kristen;s fit right off the bat. First was the crank arm length to quiet the knees and hips down while pedaling. Second was the saddle itself. Kristen had expressed some nose pressure and discomfort. I chose to put a new saddle on for her to see what we came up with.
The results were pretty astonishing. No more rocking, shoulders and neck were no longer tense, back flattened out and pelvis rotated forward. A couple more things can be done to help Kristen out, but with these vital adjustments we balanced the power distribution in her legs: After the fit - Left leg 49% of total power production and Right leg 51% of total power production.
Simply amazing! I guess we will have to continue this fit with more adjustments!
Take a look at this annual fit membership we discussed at the fit clinic presentation.
Take a look at this annual fit membership we discussed at the fit clinic presentation.
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Attendees previewing SpinScan before fit adjustments. A couple of minor adjustments later, we have a significant change in power output and comfort. |
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Free Fit Clinic!